USENSYS: United States energy system optimization model

with primary focus on renewables and energy transition

United States Energy SYStem (USENSYS) is an open source capacity expansion model (CEM, also knows as Reference Energy System model, RES), developed based on energyRt package for R.

The current state of the model covers electric power sector and has 49 regions (48 lower states and Washington DC), and two time-resolution versions:

  • renewables balancing version with 1 year and 8760 hours, 49 regions;
  • electric power system transition version with 1-300 sub-annual slices and 50-100 years of horizon.

See the model info for details.

Resent changes

Shaping electric power system with historical weather

Overview The set of USENSYS scenarios in this mini-study takes historical hourly weather data to evaluate the potential of intermittent renewables and optimize electric power system structure from scratch, disregarding the existing generating capacity and the existing power network.

USENSYS - Electric Power Sector

Renewables balancing version (6.0) documentation (DRAFT) Release notes **Release notes:** v6.0 (Apr 11, 2020) – Rediced time resolution for supply commodities to improve performance. – Added capacity constraints to control resource availability of solar and wind energy.

USENSYS model info

USENSYS: United States energy system optimization model United States Energy SYStem (USENSYS) model is flexible, scalable, open source energy system optimization model for US, based on energyRt package. The current state of the model, which is in development, covers electric power sector and has 49 regions (48 lower states and Washington DC), and two time-resolution versions: